Base Change and Very Exciting Sires January 2010 has been the time to exchange the genetic basis, with an average change of 349 kg in milk, 11 kg protein, 8 kg fat, 0,01 % protein, 0,72 type, and 0,50 feet and legs and 0,67 udder. Four consolidate Aberekin bulls have risen to the top of January list, OREGON (Oman *Lynncrest Bw Marshall Horizon EX-91), FILA (Finley * Sandy-Valley Aaron Blizz), ONTARIO (Oman * Far-O-La Darlene EX-90) and BILL (Bw Marshall * Regan-Joy Durham Roberta et EX-90). Aberekin veterans remain consistent breed leaders (DUPLEX, MAZDA, CHAMONIX, CHICAGO, EMIR, EMPIRE and TOJO). This team has been completed with one red proven bull that placed in the top red, the Rubens son CARDENAL. These very exciting bulls have been a welcomed addition to the Aberekin lineup. Our highest ranking of the bulls this round is OREGON. This ?Oman? son (Oman * Lynncrest Bw Marshall Horizon EX-91) made his debut in July 2009, and has now a proof with 106 daughters. This bull arrives on the top of the list from the famous Lynncrest Bw Marshl Horizon EX-91. He provides an incredible balance of milk, high component production and functional dairy strength. In addition, he carries a low Somatic Cell Score and high Longevity. Hard working daughters. Fine bone quality and soft udder texture. OREGON is an extremely calving ease bull. The newest member of this elite group is FILA (Finley * Sandy-Valley Aaron Blizz ). No Oman and no Bw Marshall in his pedigree. Just released in July 2009, he has now 108 daughters and he makes a strong debut. FILA sires tall, with exceptional bone quality. He transmits high yield and protein components and excels in all mammary traits. Daughters track very well. Calving ease bull. DUPLEX(Durham * Emory Emerald EX-90). This Durham son has achieved new levels of success during the last years. A proof based in more than 10.000 daughters all around the world. Number one Type bull , Durability, and Dairy Strength in Canada. DUPLEX is a extremely popular bull, producing striking cows with large dairy frames. One of the greatest sires of our time. Breeders who have used DUPLEX in their herd are delighted with the results. ONTARIO (Oman * Far-O-La Aaron Darlene EX-90). This calving easy bull follows the philosophy of balanced breeding without faults for conformation, excelling in mammary systems, width and feet and legs. He excels in all udder traits, especially the fore udder where they are long well-attached with tremendous veination and udder support. A great combination of yield milk and type. The ?Roberta? (full sister of Mr. Sam) son BILL(Bw Marshall * Regan-Joy Durham Roberta et EX-90) is the sire bound to meet breeders´ high expectations for milk and type. This bull has the ability to improve strength, feet and legs and udders. The strength of his cow family is world wide renowned. He has the ability to stamp his daughters with strength, power, and a hard top line. CHAMONIX(Champion * Tranquil EX-91) has now 91 daughters. He transmits an extremely balanced proof. The daughters are very stylish, long-bodied cows that exhibit powerful front ends. They exhibit tremendous udder texture, teat shape and placement. CHAMONIX transmits yield and snugly attached udders with incredible texture. Easy calving bull and strong cow family. MAZDA (BW Marshall * Mtoto from Zita family). This sire increases the number of daughters. This bull transmits superior mammary systems with exceptional bone quality. This combination for long-lasting cows makes MAZDA an extremely popular choice for any type of housing system. High fertility bull. CHICAGO (Champion * Crockett-Acres Drhm Mae). CHICAGO added more daughters to his proof, bringing his proof up in production without faults for conformation (+2.10), excelling in mammary system and frame. EMIR(Emerson * Q G Elonka VG-86). 492 daughters/306 herds. EMIR is the sire bound to meet breeder's high expectations for milk and type. He provides a balance of production and functionality. High fertility bull.